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Beyond for Founders

Founders have most of their compensation tied to their company's equity, making them highly undiversified in this asset class. This is great if building a unicorn, but the chances are 2.5% (at Seed Funded stage).

Founders are the hero's in this story, taking risks and exploring the unknown, so we believe they deserve an insurance policy. Beyond enables founders to build a diversified portfolio of venture-backed companies (historically the highest performing asset class). We provide all of our portfolio founders with ownership in our Index Fund and enable them to grow their portfolio as their expertise and network does.

Founders can grow their portfolio passively or actively:

1) Referring Companies

Founders can refer promising companies that are raising a venture round (or plan to) to earn compensation:

i) 20% of Beyond's Carry

ii) 10% commission on all of the Bounties the company creates or the founders fulfil for other company's (passively building a diverse portfolio).

2) Referring LPs

Founder can refer LPs (Angels / Operators / Professionals) who are interested in investing their capital, time or network into high-growth, venture-backed companies to earn compensation:

i) 10-20% commission on the Bounties & Investments made from referred LPs

3) Fulfil or Refer Bounties

Founders can leverage network & expertise to acquire ownership in higher-quality companies

4) Credits

Credits are used to identify how much value Founders & LPs have provided to the community and directly contribute to their 'Level' (higher levels provide first access to investments & bounties). Credits can be used as an incentive to create bounties (which is used to further incentivize fulfilment and founder to to founder value exchanges) 

They are acquired by:

i) Referring companies (1,000)

ii) Referring LPs (200)

iii) Commission on Investments & Bounties from referred Companies & LPs (10%)

5) Auto Re-Invest

As Index Fund companies exit, returns can be reinvested to continue to grow long-term portfolio value (aiming at 25% IRR)